
SJS Press November 2009

"The New Mesa" standings at represent everything that is right or wrong in the airline industry. The final standings, which came out this month, held true to the spirit of shiny jet syndrome. Also known as SJS, shiny jet syndrome has been known to contribute to the success of bottom feeding airlines. Pilots afflicted with SJS allow these airlines to keep their labor costs low. In return, these airlines offer a perpetual stepping stone to life as a well-respected and well-paid airline pilot at some other airline. This gives these airlines opportunites to undercut each other for bargain hunting travelers or feeder contracts for larger airline partners. The low pay and grueling work conditions; the true cost of SJS.

Mesa Airlines passed the baton in the race to the bottom at the conclusion of 2009's "The New Mesa" competition. ExpressJet of Houston, Texas pulled ahead in a last ditch effort to nab the title.

Expressjet took the title of "The New Mesa" on its award of United Airlines Express flying. This flying, scheduled to begin in 2010, may replace much of Mesa Airlines' current United Express flying out of the major hubs of Chicago O'hare, Washington Dulles, and Denver International.

Reactions were varied after the title winner was posted on The Site at Pilots of ExpressJet were thought to be proud of achieving top honors. JoeyMeatballs, alter ego of the famed Saabaroowski and suspected Expressjet pilot, was thrilled. "I can get back to day trips and weekends off" posted Meatballs, after learning of ExpressJet's new flying.

SJSJONot everyone was as thrilled as the former Saabaroowski. It was thought that Jonathon Ornstein, C.E.O. of Mesa Airlines, was distraught. Rumor has it that Ornstein thinks ExpressJet didn't deserve the honor of its new title. Perhaps he believes his company's stock is closer to a true penny stock. Or maybe he thinks that SJS works only for him at his airline. Either way, this was one SJS campaign that didn't work.YesWeCan! Mesa may be the first major regional airline to declare bankruptcy if it is unable to cut labor costs or heaven forbid, drum up some new business.

Whether or not Ornstein was the innovator behind using SJS to create cheap labor will remain in debate. However, one thing is for certain. Mesa will have to get back to what it does best; junior manning and lowering the "QOL" of its employees. This will ensure that Mesa will always be a strong contender for the title that holds its name.

A staffer of The Press at laments "This year was a year of winners and losers. Nonetheless, when you have the potential to undercut the real Mesa, you truly are 'The New Mesa.'"


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